Is this what it felt like for all my left leaning friends and family members back in November of 2008? This sudden feeling of hope, this feeling that the good guys actually won for a change? This confidence that our government might be on the right track? That I’m not the only one? This euphoria that the masses are with me, that the majority actually has views similar to mine? Is that what they felt just 14 months ago? I don’t know.
What I do know is this. The utter despair that some of my friends are feeling today, I did not have that 14 months ago. Sure I was disappointed with how the presidential race turned out, but then again I was disappointed prior to that at how the primaries turned out. I was not “excited” to cast a vote for John McCain back in ’08. How could I be excited when I knew hands down that there was no way he was winning in my state, and his voting record was almost as liberal as that of his opponent?
I think this thing may fall apart for the Democrats sooner rather than later on a national level. It seems voters flip-flop as bad as the men and women they elect. I think the Democrats misread their sweeping success of ’08 as either a mandate or a blank check to do whatever they felt like doing. What I find strange though is that they couldn’t see the writing on the wall last summer. If over half of those you believe you rule over don’t like what you are trying to do, maybe you should rethink what you are doing!
Now, I know Rome wasn’t built in a day, but nor did it crumble overnight. It did take 8 years of the Bush administrations ridiculous policy of CUTTING taxes while INCREASING spending, paired with Bawney Fwank’s INSASNE policies of guaranteeing loans made to people who had 0% chance of paying it back, and don’t forget the “Wall Street greed” that went along with all of it, to create this fiasco we currently sit in. That said, the populace is angry. A year into the new administration and the debt is skyrocketing, soldiers are still being blown apart overseas, unemployment is as high as it has ever been, homes are not retaining their value, and now you want more control?
We, the voters of Massachusetts just elected what appears to be a fine man to represent us in the U.S. senate. We, the independents, the republicans, and oh yes even the democrats of Massachusetts are telling you to STOP, rethink what you are doing, give us the transparency you said you would, because if we, the voters from Massachusetts have had enough of the B.S., well just think what our fellow countrymen and women are going to do to you come November.
Well said! Congrats to Massachusetts. You're giving the rest of us hope!!
Well said Shogun! Finally a well written political expression of opinion rather than a crazy right-wing rant or leftist "everyone is stupid" tirade. I give you credit for being so committed and into the politics of the country, I tired of it long ago!
Stick with the positivity, it suits you and that's all people will actually react to... not how bad things are or whose fault it is but rather that it will get better... All the flock wants is hope.
I just saw that Kirk (along with every other D in the senate) voted to increase the debt limit. How is it that Kirk is still voting since Brown has been elected and meets all the qualifications?
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