Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Aside from the "fairness" doctrine being violently unconstitutional, it is also uneconomical. There are 2 reasons conservatives vastly outnumber progressives/liberals on talk radio. Number 1 is entertainment. People like Sean Hannity and Jay Severin are entertaining. Agree or disagree with their ideas, politics, values, or whatever, but they are in the entertainment business, and their business is good. Reason number 2 is profitability. Radio stations exist for the same reason as construction companys, banks, gas stations, etc. They are there to make $$$$$$$$$!!! Conservatives who are inclined to listen to talk radio tend to do so during their commute to or from work. While at work they earn income, which in turn gives them money, money that they may choose to spend at a business, a business that may pay a radio station with a top rated show that targets their demographic, a demographic that works, and spends. See where I'm going here? The reason there aren't more left of center radio programs (while on TV the roles reverse) is because they don't make money. Businesses don't buy ad space on shows that are not being heard by people that can or will patronize them. Businesses that cater to low or non earning citizens (you know, businesses like ambulance chasing scum bag attornies!) find their target demographic on television, because those who would patronize them are at home, on the couch, watching the tube.
Left wing radio doesn't work. See Air America. If there is such a thing as justice, may Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, and Chuck Schumer all be tarred and feathered for their attack against liberty!
I'm all for right wing nut jobs, in fact I prefer them 10 to 1 over left wing nut jobs... but to say that only smart, well paid people listen to Jay Severin while only the poor and uneducated watch TV is a little more than a bit of a stretch. Hell... I listen to Howard Stern and I'm doing OK. I even own a business and pay taxes like a good American.
AM- Kreepin out from the shadow realm... I'm assuming satellite is not covered in the unfairness doctrine? If it was, you know Howard would rail against it too! No stretch here.. except for me stretchin your nuts around the backside of your face!
That's right although the issue sounds dumb as hell. There is nothing else to spend time on? Funny... I can come up with an item or two...
Oh and you better watch your threats shogun or ill chop your tits and staple them to the backside of your ass.
Its on then, Meet me in the ether after school and I'll break your assneck with your collarbone!
Actually I disagree and and agree with you at the same time ( how very left of me :p ). You are right in that the major market big money funded politico shows are normally Right wing, but its not because the left doesnt try. The left just tends to view large corporate involvement as a liability thus they are never ever going to be able to have the radio presence that the right does. The reverse is also true in that major sponsors shy away from more liberal shows because they dont want to be the target of a boycott when some nut job says the govt was behind 911. Theres tons of options out there from Randi Rhodes ( not the guitarist ) Thom Hartmann to Radio Active and Democracy Now. Left radio tends to be more grass roots and viral and thus out of the mainstream eye. Just the way they want it.
To WTF are my keys !?!?!?!
It is more about Big brother telling us how to go about our business (pardon my need to attack the left at any possible chance). We all go where we want for our info, typically to those most closely aligned with our views. I just can't see a radio station (or tv station or website) being told what view points to express and or give airtime to. I mean, would they ever try to force the huffington post to put up conservative blog postings? It is all about freedom my friend.
I do think it may be a little bit of an exaggeration to say that only conservatives go to work and listen to talk radio, but I do think that to some degree there is some truth to it. A lot of young people and a lot of people who feel "entitled" to free money do tend to be liberal and do tend not to work or not listen to talk radio. The way I see it is if conservative talk radio is prospering why mess with it. Obviously if there were demand for liberal talk radio shows then there would be more of them.. supply and demand. Why should the government mess with this they seem to be so inclined to do these days.
I have two jobs, school, listen to Sean Hannity almost every day on the radio (i get a kick out of his new line.. conservatism in exile!).. but im still a left wing nut job... it's a weird place to be..
Sue- You are truly 1 of a kind. ( a very awesome and wonderful kind!)
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